Compare Flights - Flight deals & discounts

Why compare?

We're confident that verified students get the best flight deals when they book with StudentUniverse. And we want you to feel confident in that too! That’s why we’ve made this tool so you can compare us against other websites out there. Just enter the details for the trip you want to take and select up to four websites to compare. Your bank account will thank you and us.

Book your trip with us

Search our fares and get booking with our cheap student flights deals. That way you can find that trip at a great price!

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Why shop with StudentUniverse

Exclusive flight discounts

We negotiate directly with airlines to get under 30's exclusive & discounts

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Frequently asked questions about booking flights

How do I compare flight prices?

When searching for the cheapest price possible for your flight it is a great idea to compare airfare prices before you book. And it’s super easy to do just that right from StudentUniverse. Just scroll to the top of this page and input your desired travel route. Then check which sites you want to compare prices on and click the “compare selected” button. After that you’ll be able to see the various deals around the internet and find the deal that’s best for you. Another way to compare flight prices is by using flexible date search. When you search a trip with us, just select “flexible” so you can see various dates around what you’ve selected. Sometimes leaving a day earlier or later can make hundred of dollars of difference!

Should I wait to book my flight?

If you should wait to book your flight is dependent on how far away that trip is at this point. In general, the cheapest booking window for airline tickets varies when it comes to domestic travel versus international trips. Expect to book your domestic trip in the window between 3 weeks and 3 months before travel. For international trips, best fares usually fall between 2 to 8 months ahead of time. Last minute deals or convenient promo codes can help lower prices if those windows have already passed by for you, though. But the best way to increase your chance of scoring a great fare no matter where you’re headed is to stay organized and monitor those airline ticket prices.

How does StudentUniverse work?

Get the detailed explanation on how StudentUniverse gets all those great deals for you right here. Or for the quick summary, here you go: We negotiate straight with the airlines to get discounted deals especially for students and young adults. We believe travel can be both life changing and educational so we work to make it accessible for everyone, even those with only a ramen noodle budget. So if you are a student, make sure you verify your account so that you see our discounts rates. But if you aren’t a student or a young adult, don’t stress! Everyone can book their trip with us, including using our sale promo codes. Just search your trip and you might just get lucky!

How can I find the cheapest flight using StudentUniverse?

No matter where you plan to fly you can get discounted travel deals. The first step to booking the best deals is to verify your student status on your account (if you’re a student) - that way you’ll have those deals displayed to you. After that just explore what options are available for the trip you want to book. If you have some flexibility, we recommend using the flexible search tool to see the price points for all the travel dates near what you’ve selected. Sometimes flying out just a day or two off from your original plan can make a huge price difference. Also keep in mind that larger airports often have lower prices, so if you have options between what airport to use, search them all to see where your best deal is. Lastly, consider joining our newsletter or downloading our app that way you can stay informed on all our sales and deals.

Is StudentUniverse just for students?

Nope, booking with StudentUniverse is for everyone! While our primary focus is on bringing deals that can’t be found elsewhere to students and young adults, we still think travel is for everyone. Thus, travel discounts should be for everyone too. While our most exclusive discounts will only be available for verified student accounts, anyone can search and book with StudentUniverse. Anyone can shop our promo code sales too!

Is StudentUniverse legit?

Yes, StudentUniverse is completely legit. In fact, we’ve been around since 2000 and since then millions have booked their trips with us and saved big. If you don’t want to take our word for it, just take a look through some reviews from verified customers sharing their experience booking on StudentUniverse.

How does StudentUniverse find such low flight prices?

StudentUniverse has low flight prices because we’ve worked hard to negotiate with airlines to bring great deals to you our customers. Our mission is making travel affordable and accessible for everyone on every budget. From flights to hotels, we work every day to keep our prices as low as possible.